1. What is Erotic Edges?

Erotic Edges is a virtual platform hosting life drawing sessions via Zoom, offering a sensual and liberating drawing experience.

2. How do I access the sessions?

Upon purchasing a ticket, you'll receive a Zoom link in your email confirmation.

3. What devices can I use to participate?

You can use any device with internet access to join our sessions.

4. How are time zones managed?

Please consider time zone differences when scheduling and joining our sessions.

5. When are the regular sessions held?

Erotic Sessions take place on Saturdays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Classic Themed Sessions occur every other Sunday at 16:00 BST.

6. When is Passion School held?

Passion School is held every other Sunday at 5:00 PM BST. These 2-hour Zoom workshops feature 3 different teachers, each teaching in 30-minute increments. There are 15-minute breaks between each lesson.

7. What do teachers focus on during Passion School?

Teachers at Passion School specialize in various areas and focus on imparting their expertise in each session.

8. How much do Passion School tickets cost?

Passion School tickets are donation-based, with a minimum of €5.

9. What about Classic Themed Sessions?

Classic Themed Sessions happen every other Sunday at 16:00 BST. Models wear costumes and use props, providing an engaging artistic experience. These sessions are free to the public, with models posing for tips.

10. What's the format for Duo sessions?

Duo sessions are 2 hours long and always priced at 20 euros. Participants don't need to sign up for a free account to attend these sessions.

11. Are models paid for their participation?

Yes, models are paid for their involvement, unless they choose to pose as volunteers, in which case they receive tips from the artists.

12. Can I turn my camera on/off during the session?

Yes, you have the choice to turn your camera on or off during the session.

13. Can I share my drawings?

Certainly! You can share your drawings with us via email, Instagram, or WhatsApp. We only publish drawings with your permission and do not tag you without your consent.

14. Can I take screenshots or recordings during sessions?

No, taking screenshots or recordings of sessions is strictly prohibited. Any breach of this rule will result in reporting and banning.

15. What is life drawing?

Life drawing involves sketching or drawing a living person, usually in the nude, to capture the essence of life and movement in the subject.

16. Can I become a model for a session?

If you're interested in posing as a model, find more information by clicking the provided link.

17. What is your code of conduct for all participants in these life drawing sessions?

Respect is our guiding principle. As long as everyone is respectful, we can create a positive and enjoyable environment together.

18. How can I access the sessions with different subscription plans?

Subscribe as an "Artist" for free tickets to every live solo session; does not include duos or special events. As a "Voyeur," you'll get streaming access to a gallery of video recordings from our past sessions. For both options, the "All Access" plan provides unlimited access to sessions and the video gallery.