Theme Description:

April's theme, "It's Raining Men," aims to capture the essence of male beauty, complexity, and vibrancy. We seek to explore and celebrate the myriad ways in which men love, express themselves, and navigate the world within the LGBTQ+ spectrum. From the soft whispers of intimate connections to the loud, proud declarations of identity, this issue will serve as a tribute to men everywhere—rain or shine.

We're Seeking Submissions on the Following Key Topics:

  • Storms of Desire: Erotic tales and poetry that capture the intensity and passion of encounters amid the backdrop of spring storms, embodying the raw energy of nature and desire.

  • Masculinity Unveiled: Essays and narratives that delve into the nuances of masculinity, challenging stereotypes, and celebrating the diverse experiences of being a man in today's world.

  • Portraits of Pride: Photographic essays and artwork that showcase the beauty, strength, and vulnerability of men across the spectrum of the LGBTQ+ community.

  • Rainbow Warriors: Stories of activism and advocacy, highlighting the men who are fighting for equality, visibility, and justice within the community and beyond.

  • Fashion in the Flood: Features on how style and fashion serve as forms of expression and empowerment for men in the LGBTQ+ community, from the streets to the runway.

  • Culinary Kings: Profiles and interviews with gay chefs and foodies, exploring the intersection of masculinity and culinary art, and how food brings us together.

  • Tech Titans of Tomorrow: Insights into the contributions of gay men in tech and digital spaces, breaking barriers and innovating for a more inclusive future.

  • Ballads of Brotherhood: Explorations of friendship, brotherhood, and kinship among men, sharing the deep bonds and support systems that uplift and sustain them.



  • You can submit any artwork, photos, and/or literature that are related to the theme.

  • Images must be high quality. If submitting written content, it must have a word count between 500 to 1500 words.

  • Artwork submissions must be original. Previously published works will be considered if you hold the rights.


  • We will feature your contribution in our magazine, credit you and anyone involved in your contribution, and promote anything you'd like us to share with our engaged audience. With over 19K followers on Instagram, 800 subscribers, and a core community of about 300 members, your feature will reach a diverse and enthusiastic audience.

  • We can include a written interview (if desired), showcasing not just your captivating content but also your insights and experiences in your desired industry. We can also schedule an interview that we'll share on our YouTube channel, where we've garnered over 80K views. Click here to see our previous video interviews.

  • After filling out the submission form below, we will reply via e-mail with further instructions.

Fill out the submission form below. You only need to submit once.